panFora installation
panFora Installation on the Server For Windows NT

  • (Looking for how to install panFora on Windows 2000/XP/2003 or Unix-based or Apple OS X systems? Click here)

  • Note: Please read the following instructions for installing panFora on Windows NT carefully, and follow the installation steps sequentially.

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  Table of Contents
  1. Installation Requirements

  2. Before You Begin

    1. FYI

    2. Gathering Information and Privileges

    3. Preparing the Server

    4. Downloading and Installing ActivePerl

  3. panFora Installation

    1. Downloading panFora Distribution

    2. Installing panFora Files

    3. Setting-up panFora Virtual Directory

    4. Configuring CGI Access

      • IIS4 (Windows NT 4)

    5. Securing panFora

      • IIS4 (Windows NT 4)

    6. Securing Forum Data

      • IIS4 (Windows NT 4)

  4. panFora Setup

  5. Create New Forum

1.   Installation Requirements
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Please review the following assumptions, requirements, and expectations for installing the panFora software with Windows NT.

  1. System Requirements:

    You will need the following (In addition to Windows Operating system and IIS software requirements):

    1. Microsoft Windows NT 4 (Service Pack 6)

    2. Microsoft Information Internet Server (IIS) version 4

    3. Active State PERL

    4. 30 MB disk space (minimum) + storage for forum content

    5. 32 MB RAM (recommend > 64 MB)

  2. Software Requirements & Assumptions

    It is assumed that you have:

    1. Microsoft Windows NT 4 (with service pack 6) installed on your server.

    2. Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) version 4 installed, configured and working correctly.

    3. Administrator account access to install software and further configure IIS on the server.

    4. Ability to download and install PERL from Active State's website and (as needed) Microsoft MSI package.

  3. Expectations:

    • panFora software installation is "theoretically" simple and easy.
      However, Microsoft IIS is a complex product that requires a high level of knowledge and expertise to administer and operate successfully.
      Therefore, the required reconfiguration of IIS to accommodate the installation of any web application (including panFora) must be done with expert care.

    • While we have taken steps to document instructions for panFora's installation with clarity and in great detail, we cannot account for all the variations of your particular IIS server configuration.
      As such, we highly recommend and expect that the system administrator doing the panFora software installation has:

      1. familiarity with IIS web server concepts (such as virtual directories mapping, permissions and security).

      2. familiarity with filename extensions to applications mapping under IIS .

      3. prior experience installing web applications under IIS.
Important Notes

  • For customers with minimal Microsoft Windows and IIS system administrator experience, wiTHinc recommends and offers consulting and installation services to install the software for you.

  • Contact to inquire about pricing and to schedule your installation.

2.   Before you begin
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These instructions are intended for Windows NT systems.

In this document you will find all the instructions on how to properly install panFora software on your webserver.

This document is intended for the Windows System Administrator who is responsible for the web server's operation.

  • The Windows System Administrator installs panFora software and responds to requests for new forums from webmasters, clients (or others who act as designated Forum Administrators).

Please take advantage of our Tech Support Forum.

  • Our online support team is happy to help with technical matters and questions related to panFora installation, FAQs and troubleshooting.
    Tech Support Forum is free and only a mouse-click away.

2.a.   FYI
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Important Notes

  • You need to install panFora only once on your server, regardless of the number of Forums you plan on deploying.

    Once panFora is installed, you will be able to create and set up as many Forums as your license allows.

    Click here for more information on panFora licenses.

  • If you are installing panFora for evaluation (panFora EVAL), you are granted use of panFora for 45 days.

    After the free evaluation period, all forums will be disabled until you purchase a license.

  • There is no need to reinstall panFora when upgrading a license, or restoring use of an expired Evaluation forum.
    Just enter the newly purchased license key.

2.b.   Gathering Information and Privileges
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In order to install panFora software, you should have the following information and privileges:

  • Administrator Login access to modify Internet Information Server (IIS) settings.

  • Current location of Internet Information Server's Default Web Site directory.

  • Desired location for installing panFora.

  • Desired location for placing Forum web pages and data.

  • Location of downloaded panFora distribution file.

  • Path to the installed PERL executable.

  • IIS process Owner ID and Group ID.

2.c.1   Preparing the Server - Windows NT 4
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For Windows NT 4, you should have installed and enabled the following:

  1. Windows NT 4 must be installed, prior to installing panFora.

  2. TCP/IP network protocol must be installed.

  3. Valid IP address must be assigned for the TCP/IP network configuration.

  4. Windows Internet Information Server 4 (IIS4) must be installed.

    • IIS 4 must be installed before applying any service packs.

    • You should test IIS4 web server services to confirm IIS is started.

  5. Windows NT 4 service pack 5 or greater must be installed.

2.d.   Downloading and Installing PERL
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panFora requires access to PERL v5.004 or greater for many of its administrative functions.

Because Windows NT 4 does not include PERL, it must be installed separately, and prior to installing panFora.

You may download a FREE version of PERL for Microsoft Windows, called ActivePerl, from Active State's website at

At the website, you will find instructions to download and install the FREE ActivePerl binary distribution (along with the MSI package, if needed).

Important Notes

Windows NT 4: To install ActivePerl, you must have the FREE Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) software.

  • You can download MSI directly from Microsoft's web site, or you can find a link to download MSI on Active State's ActivePerl web page.

  • After installing MSI, you can install ActivePerl as directed by the instructions from Active State.

3.   panFora Installation
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This portion of the documentation provides step by step instructions on how to install panFora.

Once panFora Installation is completed, you may proceed to panFora Setup.

3.a.   Downloading panFora Distribution
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If you have already downloaded the panFora distribution file for Microsoft Windows operating systems from wiTHinc's website, skip to the next step.

3.b.   Installing panFora Files
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  1. Save the distribution file on your hard drive, and make a note of the directory where the file is saved (i.e. C:\Download\).

  2. Use Winzip (or a similar ZIP decompress/extraction tool) to uncompress the panFora distribution file contents into the desired install location.

    • For the purposes of these instructions and as an example, we will assume that the desired install location is: C:\webapps\withinc

  3. After extraction, a subdirectory named "panFora" (C:\webapps\withinc\panFora) is created, containing the following within a small number of subdirectories:

    • panFora program files.

    • data files.

    • support files.

3.c.   Setting-up panFora Virtual Directory
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With Internet Information Server (IIS), you should always associate a Virtual Directory with the directory where panFora is installed.

Create a virtual directory that links to where you placed the unzipped panFora distribution files.

  1. Open the IIS Management Console

  2. Right-click on the Default Web Site

  3. Select New=>Virtual Directory.

    • New Virtual Directory Wizard will appear (IIS4).

  4. Enter "panFora" as the alias to be used to access this virtual directory.

  5. Browse to the installed panFora location (i.e. C:\webapps\withinc\panFora) to link the virtual directory to its absolute path.

  6. Set Access Permissions of Virtual Directory by selecting Read and Execute and deselecting all others.

  7. Click Finish to end Wizard.

Important Notes

For more information on how to setup virtual directories and reasons for using virtual directories in IIS, please review the IIS documentation.


3.d.   Configuring CGI Access
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In this portion of the documentation you'll follow the step by step instructions on how to configure CGI Access for IIS.

3.d.1.   Configuring CGI Access for IIS4
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From the IIS4 Mangement Console:

  1. Select the Virtual Directory you created for "panFora"

  2. Right-click on the "panFora" virtual directory and select Properties

    • That will bring up the "panFora Properties" dialog box.
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From the "panFora Properties" dialog box:

  1. Enable Read in Access Permissions

  2. Click on the "Create" button.

    • The Application Settings/Name field becomes active.

  3. Enter "panFora" in Application Settings/Name.

  4. Enable Execute (including script) in Application Settings/Permissions.

  5. Click on the "Configuration..." button

    • The "Application Configuration" dialog box will pop up.
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From the "Application Configuration" dialog box:

  1. Click on the "Add" button

    • To add a new Application Mapping for the .cgi extension to the PERL interpreter.

    • The "Add/Edit Application Extension Mapping" dialog box will pop up.
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From the "Add/Edit Application Extension Mapping" dialog box:

  1. Browse... to find the installed PERL program executable

  2. Append " %s %s" in the Executable field.

  3. Specify ".cgi" as the Extension

  4. Type "PUT,DELETE" for Method exclusions.

  5. Check the boxes "Script Engine" and "Check that file exists".

  6. Click "OK" to save the new settings.
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The "Application Configuration" dialog box should now include the .cgi extension.

  1. Click "OK" to save the new settings in the "Application Configuration " dialog box.

    • That will return you to the "panFora Properties" dialog box.
  | top of item |

On return to the "panFora Properties" dialog box

  1. Select "Directory Security" tab panel.

    1. Click the "Edit..." button under Anonymous Access and Authentication Control.

      • The "Authentication Methods" dialog box will pop up.

    2. Enable Allow Anonymous Access.

    3. Click "OK" to save Authentication Methods settings.

    4. Click "OK" to save panFora Virtual directory configurations.

  2. Continue to the next step - Securing panFora.

3.e.   Securing panFora
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This portion of the documentation provides step by step instructions on how to secure panFora.

Important Notes on Access Restriction

  • The "panFora\util" subdirectory includes support programs that enable panFora to administer the forum and its data.

  • If left exposed and accessible to IIS web users, these programs represent a security risk.

  • Therefore, IIS access to this directory must be restricted.


3.e.1.   Securing panFora for IIS4
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From the IIS4 - IIS Management Console:

  1. Expand the panFora virtual directory to expose the "util" subdirectory.

  2. Right-click on the "util" subdirectory and select Properties

    • That will bring up the "panFora Properties" dialog box.
  | top of item |

From the "util Properties" dialog box:

  1. Deselect the following check boxes under Access Permissions:
    1. Read

    2. Write

  2. Deselect the following check boxes under Content Control:

    1. Directory Browsing Allowed

    2. Index this directory

  3. Select None under Permissions.

  4. Click "OK" to save properties for "util" subdirectory.

3.f.   Securing Forum Data
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In this portion of the documentation you'll follow the step by step instructions on how to secure Forum data.

  • You will create a "Forums" virtual directory where panFora will place Forum web pages and operating data.

  • You will set the correct permissions to this virtual directory to ensure panFora's proper operation.
  1. Create a Forums directory using Windows Explorer.

    Important Notes:

    • If the drive where the "Forums" directory resides is an NTFS partition, be sure to set security for Internet Guest Account (IUSR_xxx) as a user with "Full Control" access permissions for this "Forums" directory.

    • For the purposes of these instructions and as an example, we will assume that the desired Forum data storage location is: C:\webapps\withinc\Forums

  2. Open the IIS Management Console

  3. Right-click on the Default Web Site

  4. Select New=>Virtual Directory.

    • New Virtual Directory Wizard will appear (IIS4).

  5. Enter "Forums" as the alias to be used to access this virtual directory.

  6. Link the virtual directory to its absolute path by browsing to the installed panFora location (i.e. C:\webapps\withinc\Forums).
Important Notes

For more information on how to setup virtual directories and reasons for using virtual directories in IIS, please review the IIS documentation.


3.f.1.   Securing Forum Data for IIS4
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From the IIS4 - IIS Management Console:

  1. Select the Virtual Directory you created for "Forums".

  2. Right-click on the "Forums" virtual directory and select Properties

    • That will bring up the "Forums Properties" dialog box.
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From the "Forums Properties" dialog box:

  1. Enable Read in Access Permissions

  2. Click on the "Create" button

    • The Application Settings/Name field becomes active.

  3. Enter "forums" in Application Settings/Name.

  4. Select None in Application Settings/Permissions.

  5. Click on the "Configuration..." button

    • The "Application Configuration" dialog box will pop up.
  | top of item |

From the "Application Configuration" dialog box:

  1. Click on the "Add" button

    • Add a new Application Mapping for the .db extension to panFora's winDB.exe utility program.

    • The "Add/Edit Application Extension Mapping" dialog box will pop up.
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From the "Add/Edit Application Extension Mapping" dialog box:

  1. Browse... to find the winDB.exe program executable ( i.e. C:\webapps\withinc\panFora\util\winDB.exe

  2. Specify ".db" as the Extension

  3. Blank out the field for Method exclusions.

  4. Check the boxes "Script Engine" and "Check that file exists".

  5. Click "OK" to save the new settings.
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The "Application Configuration" dialog box should now include the .db extension.

  1. Click "OK" to save the new settings in the "Application Configuration " dialog box.

    • That will return you to the "Forums Properties" dialog box.
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On return to the "Forum Properties" dialog box

  1. Select "Directory Security" tab panel.

    1. Click the "Edit..." button under Anonymous Access and Authentication Control.

      • A dialog box pops up.

    2. Enable Allow Anonymous Access.

    3. Click "OK" to save and close dialog box.

  2. Select "Documents" tab panel.

    1. Select Default Document.

    2. Click the "Add..." button.

      • A new dialog box will appear.

    3. Enter "index.html" (without quotation marks) as a new (additional) default document.

      • That will ensure that your Forum's Home Page is properly labeled.

      • It also simplifies customizing the Home Page

    4. Click "OK" to save and close dialog box.

  3. Click the "OK" button in the "Forums Properties" dialog box to save the Forums Virtual directory configurations.

This concludes the panFora Installation.

You may now proceed to panFora Setup.

4.   panFora Setup
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Now, using a web browser, go to the appropriate URL to complete the wizard's 5 step setup:

  1. Locating PERL

  2. Locating sendmail

  3. Setting the panFora system administrator password

  4. Entering the panFora license key

  5. Registering your copy of panFora
  • If you followed the installation instructions exactly, the Setup Wizard's web URL is:
Important Notes

  • If you installed panFora elsewhere, change the URL accordingly.

  • The wizard will guide you through the easy 5 step set-up process.

  • At the end of the process, you'll be given 2 URLs:

    • One goes to "Creating and Setting up a Forum" web pages.

    • The other goes to the panFora System Administrator "Admin Menu" web pages.

    • Remember to either record these URLs or bookmark for future reference.

  • If you would like designate another administrator who will create, set-up and delete forums, you may give the panFora System Administrator Password you specified in the setup to that person, and provide him with the "Creating and Setting up a Forum" instruction document.

    That person is referred as the panFora System Administrator.

5.   Create New Forums
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  • Please click here for instructions on how to Create Forums
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